Who are we?

We are just a bunch of guys who replied to a reddit post in here(ITA).

We’re people from various backgrounds and different ages.

We are coders, musicians, students, professionals, but most importantly, gamers.

More info in here.

What do we do?

We are still working on it, at the moment we have setup:

  • A Discord server, where we all hang out most of the time.

  • A GitHub org, where we plan to collaborate over gamedev projects.

  • This blog made with GitHub Pages.

What do we want?

The aim of any community is obviously to hang out and collaborate with people with same interests.

Our community is no different, and aside from the basics, our main aim is creating a small virtual hub to get together people who want to create videogames, or learn how to by collaborating on existing projects.

It does not really matter if you know how to code or not, the only prerequisite is that you need to share our same passion.